Seiten Auflistung
Zeige den vorhandenen Inhalt in LED Ambient-Light
LED Ambient-Light und dazu passende Hardware / Software.
- LED Ambient-Light für den PC mit FTDI Konverter - Projektbeschreibung
(Variante für den PC mit einem FTDI basierten Protokollumsetzer) - Ambient-Light für den PC mit ATmega8 Konverter - Projektbeschreibung
(Variante für den PC mit einem ATmega8 basierten Protokollumsetzer) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - hardware V1.2
(hardware V1.2 description) - nachrüstbares LED Ambient-Light für PC und TV - Projektübersicht
(Einleitung und Projektübersicht) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - hardware V1.0
(hardware V1.0 description) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - Project Status
(Project Status and News) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - hardware V1.1
(hardware V1.1 description) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - Demo Video and Pics
(some demo videos and pics) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - Firmware update
(How to update firmware at SCIMO) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - connection examples
(Some examples how SCIMO can be connected to PC or TV systems) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - Surround LEDs
(additional Surround LEDs ( DMX512 based)) - RGB LED Module with DMX512 Interface
(tiny 3-channel DMX-Receiver using PIC Microcontroller) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO"
(Project Overview) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - LED Stripe Installation
(LED Stripe installation and some general recommendation) - hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - software
(software description)
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