Keiang's electronics hobby side

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Eintragungen bisher: 214  Eintragungen pro Seite: 15

Alexander (als Gast) Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017 00:17 Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017 00:17
Eintrag #214

I am interested on buying SCIMO, How/where to buy it from?

AT :)

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Brent S (als Gast) Samstag, 24. Juni 2017 01:02 Samstag, 24. Juni 2017 01:02
Eintrag #213
Hello, I\'d like to purchase one of your SCIMO V1.1 boards for my home theater project to install LEDs around my 110\" screen. Could you please forward me purchase information? I really appreciate your work and assistance!

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mjgear (als Gast) Mittwoch, 12. April 2017 03:02 Mittwoch, 12. April 2017 03:02
Eintrag #212
Hi, like everyone posting here I would like to know what do I need to make the SCIMO work on a 65 inch tv I currently have leds put in place comes out to 166 leds. and do I need a remote for this to work, price in dollars please, thank you.

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Shumway (als Gast) Freitag, 04. November 2016 09:13 Freitag, 04. November 2016 09:13
Eintrag #211

Hi Ronny

Neues Outfit - ist super gelungen. Die Schrift vielleicht etwas grösser. Ansonsten perfekt :cool:

Kann ich so ein Ambient-Light bei Dir erwerben ?

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bitstreamout (als Gast) Samstag, 15. Oktober 2016 13:12 Samstag, 15. Oktober 2016 13:12
Eintrag #210


I've owned a SCIMO and installed it with help of a seperate frame behind a PANASONIC TV. Now the problem is that due to the fact that the TV has its I/O on the right side seen from the backside I've choosen the anti-clockwise layout. But even with LED_DATA_DIRECTION / string=anti-clockwise the result is a mirrored on the vertial middle axis in comparison to the picture on the screen.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
from KeiAng: For support please send me message: [ Eintrag durch Webmaster editiert: 21.10.2016 ]

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TN (als Gast) Mittwoch, 28. September 2016 09:02 Mittwoch, 28. September 2016 09:02
Eintrag #209

I would like to buy a scimo please.

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Sata (als Gast) Freitag, 09. September 2016 07:13 Freitag, 09. September 2016 07:13
Eintrag #208

Ordered the SCIMO online as linked by Keiang. Finally got it today as a surprised! Have to order LEDs now, so excited.

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Luis (als Gast) Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016 14:39 Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016 14:39
Eintrag #207


I am interested on buying SCIMO, How/where to buy it from?

thank you and good work.


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Bart (als Gast) Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016 09:19 Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016 09:19
Eintrag #206

Bart (as Guest) Sunday, May 25 2014 23:14 Sunday, Entry #70

Wow! After 2 years if checking in periodically you listed an update as available to buy! :)

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Juan Carlos (als Gast) Donnerstag, 05. Mai 2016 16:24 Donnerstag, 05. Mai 2016 16:24
Eintrag #205


Where can I buy a Scimo for Spain?

Thanks a lot.

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Scimo (als Gast) Montag, 18. April 2016 22:28 Montag, 18. April 2016 22:28
Eintrag #204

Hallo hätte Interesse am scimo Bord, wäre nett wenn du dich mal.meldest :)

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Ross Crowley (als Gast) Sonntag, 17. April 2016 16:51 Sonntag, 17. April 2016 16:51
Eintrag #203

Hi, I would like to buy scimo , could you email me please about buying it

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Hans (als Gast) Mittwoch, 06. April 2016 02:20 Mittwoch, 06. April 2016 02:20
Eintrag #202

I would like purchase ambilight boards, if it is possible. Let me know the price of the board and shipping to US :)

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Juan de Dios (als Gast) Sonntag, 03. April 2016 21:10 Sonntag, 03. April 2016 21:10
Eintrag #201

I would like to buy SCIMO
Can you sent me the price and shipping cost for Spain?

Thank you.

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Dimitris (als Gast) Donnerstag, 17. März 2016 13:26 Donnerstag, 17. März 2016 13:26
Eintrag #200

Hi there!

I would like to buy SCIMO
Can you sent me the price and shipping cost for Greece?

Thank you in advance and Congrats for the project!

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