Keiang's electronics hobby side

This website deals with the topics of electronics, digital signal processing and embedded programming.

hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO"

Project Overview


SCIMO TV Ambient-Light SCIMO TV Ambient-Light SCIMO TV Ambient-Light SCIMO TV Ambient-Light

The device presented here with the name SCIMO can analyze a video signal from a TV or other video source and generates based on the image information suitable visual effects on multiple LEDs. Depending from position of LED at screen frame and current image on screen SCIMO is calculating in realtime a suitable color for each LED. It processes every video frame and is optimized for best perfomance in video analysis which reduce processing time to a non visible delay between video image and LED color. This high permormance gives very dynamic and exciting light effects for example at action scenes on TV.
SCIMO offers different profiles of Ambient-Light operation which can be freely configured by user and selected by IR remote control. For example can be a smoother Ambient-Light mode created with more averaged LED colors and thus is more relaxed for eyes.
Another usefull feature is that SCIMO automatically powers on/off depending on video signal. If for example video source is shut down then SCIMO will also enter standby mode and switch all LEDs complete off by disconneting power supply from LEDs which eliminates idle current of LEDs. In the same way it will wake up when an active video signal is detected.
SCIMO can control up to 240 digital LEDs ( = 240 zones ) and supports the very common WS281x and TM18xx LED stripes.

The device is very compact and requires no support from a PC for video analysis or LED control. It is a real standalone device!





Publiziert am: Sonntag, 25. September 2016 (93466 mal gelesen)
Copyright © by Keiang''s electronics hobby side

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