hardware based TV Ambient-Light "SCIMO" - Demo Video and Pics
some demo videos and pics
pics (Ambient-Light)
videos (Ambient-Light)
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe, using HDMI source (Playstation 3)
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe, using HDMI source (Playstation 3)
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe, using HDMI source (Playstation 3)
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe
170 channels (zones), WS2812 based digital LED stripe
50 channels (zones), DMX512 based digital LEDs
50 channels (zones), DMX512 based digital LEDs
Publiziert am: Mittwoch, 14. September 2016 (26291 mal gelesen)
Copyright © by Keiang''s electronics hobby side
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